Media: You are doing it wrong.

Media: Media make it so difficult to believe what they write. It’s not my fault; it’s theirs.
There is something extremely wrong in the way they present news, in the way they form opinions and the way they push those opinions as facts. Media have power; I hardly care if they think their cause is noble if they constantly lie.

And I’ve noticed lately that when writers, editors, journalists’ lies are called out in social media they don’t apologise, they don’t admit they were wrong, but they present themselves as victims of anonymous trolls. Which means their lies were a conscious decision instead of a result of a bad research.

Think about it and think about it hard. Because you are manipulated by media all the time.

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Trial by media: Chapter Two – Kevin Spacey

Trial by media: the other side of the coin.

The first was Johnny Depp, whom I considered innocent, versus the media.

This one? Yes, not so much. Thank you, media.

But that’s irrelevant.

Do we in all reality need courts and laws, lawyers and judges, some kind of justice delivered by the state?
Or we can provide our own justice to those we consider guilty of a crime?
These questions are in my mind a lot since last year.
It’s painfully obvious that many people don’t trust the police, the law; don’t trust that courts of law actually service justice. These people use social media and/or the press and we can see them regularly calling out the injustices of the world.
However, what makes a state a state? What makes a democracy a democracy? What makes a person innocent or guilty? Is it what each one of us separately believes and then adding the percentage to reach in a conclusion?

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